UFO, Paranormal and Alternative Articles
By Duncan F Smith
Welcome to the top 10 UFO sightings, these sightings come from different stages in our history, and were reported by people from all walks of life. UFOs have been zipping about in our skies for a very long time, doing whatever the hell it is they do?! surveying the Earth, surveying us, both neither? not many people can say for certain what these strange disc and cigar like craft are really doing, all we can do is look up, wonder and imagine. Sighting number 10 was made over 2000 years ago in 332 b.c. by multiple witnesses, the witnesses in this case were Macedonian soldiers laying siege to the city fortress of Tyre and they were commanded by Alexander The Great. Alexander's forces were having great trouble breaching the city because it was built on an island and had high walls all around it that were right up against the sea, making matters worse they could only attack it from a narrow stone causeway which they themselves had to build. Frustratingly they were being easily repelled by the thick high walls of Tyre and the defenders on top, until... to the attacking and defending soldier's amazement 2 silver shields appeared in the sky and one of these "shields" dove repeatedly at the section of the wall Alexander's troops aimed to breach. This unexpected flying object fired "beams of light" at this section of the wall causing it to collapse, allowing Alexander's troops to pour in and take the city! Of course there is argument among historians about whether this happened or not but it's interesting enough to earn a place on this list. Sighting number 9 happened 200 years before Alexander's siege of Tyre. In 593 b.c. Ezekiel witnessed his now famous flying "wheel" near the Cheber river in Iraq. In his own writings Ezekiel recorded and described a "flying chariot". His strange sighting begins when he observes a windstorm coming towards him from the north, this storm took the shape of a huge cloud emitting lightning and brilliant light. As it got nearer Ezekiel saw that in the centre of this huge cloud was something that looked like glowing metal, and drawing nearer still he saw 4 beings shaped like men. he described them as each having four faces (human - lion - ox - eagle) and four wings, it is unclear whether these "four beings" were alive or metallic adornments attached to this flying craft. Beneath each creature was a wheel intersecting a wheel which Ezekiel described as "sparkling like chrysolite". Chrysolite is a green emerald like crystal. Above the 4 beings Ezekiel saw what he described as "an expanse, sparkling like ice, and awesome". Because Ezekiel was known to record things in great detail elsewhere there is no reason to believe he didn't do so here, which makes this a very unconventional flying machine indeed, a truly unidentified flying object. Sighting number 8 occurred in 1676 when the famous astronomer Edmond Halley was observing the sky. He witnessed in his own words "A vast body seemingly bigger than the moon", of course this flying object could have been a great deal closer to Halley than the moon which would make it seem larger. He also reported that it emitted a noise which sounded like a huge cart rolling over stones, being an adept mathematician he worked out its speed as being over 9000 miles per hour! Sighting number 7 happened in Egypt over 3000 years ago, and was written down by "the scribes of the house of life". They wrote that in mid-winter, on the sixth hour of the day they (the scribes) witnessed a circle of fire descending from the sky. This circle gave of a foul smell and made no noise, equally confused and afraid the scribes threw themselves down on the ground until the UFO was gone. They reported this odd occurrence to Thutmose the third who was the ruling Pharaoh at that time, after consulting with advisors for the next few days (and obviously drawing a blank) Thutmose got to see this strange flying object for himself, and more than one. It was recorded that after another few days more than one of these circles of fire appeared in the sky and that they shone brighter than the sun, we aren't given an exact number as it is just recorded as "numerous", more than 10? 20? It is difficult to say for sure but nonetheless it remains an interesting sighting. Sighting number 6 jumps us forward slightly in history to 1803, the location is a stretch of beach north of Tokyo Japan. This is a rather back to front UFO sighting report as the unknown object in question is not witnessed in the sky but emerging from the sea, also the UFO isn't the main point of this sighting, it is the crafts occupant, a woman. Apparently a strange, round craft washed ashore on the beach one day and when locals investigated (presumably fishermen) they found a young beautiful woman inside. This woman spoke a language the locals couldn't understand and the inside of the craft was covered in symbols which also puzzled them. Weirder still, as if the event itself wasn't weird enough, this woman was carrying a rectangular box that she didn't want anyone to touch! This case is known in Japan as the "legend of the hollow ship". Sighting number 5 brings us even closer to modern times and was reported in 1950 by a terrified United States Air Force officer working at the White Sands test range in the New Mexico desert. This officer and sergeant Jonathan Louette were tasked with taking a jeep out onto the vast missile range and clearing up any debris and burnt out missile shells. Now comes the part most of you won't believe, after driving down the range a few miles they stopped the jeep and both got out, splitting up to search more ground among the endless sand dunes, the officer heard sudden screaming coming from the area he knew the sergeant was in. He sprinted towards the screaming and when he reached the top of a dune he witnessed a Disc shaped craft, low to the ground, reaching down from the bottom of this Disc was a long tentacle type appendage which was wrapped around the sergeant! Sound unbelievable? That's what the officers bosses thought when he got back to base and reported it, he was charged with murder and held until a few days later when sergeant Jonathan Louette's body turned up 20 miles down the range, mutilated with strange precise cutting the officer couldn't possibly have carried out, he was cleared of the murder charge. Case number 4 comes to us from many miles above the earth, the witnesses were Alan Bean, Jack Lousma and Owen Garriott, all astronauts carrying out various experiments inside the NASA Skylab 3 craft. The three astronauts witnessed a red pulsing object outside their space craft, they watched it for 10 minutes and even took some pictures of it. Being a clever astronaut type, Owen Garriott was able to estimate the size of the object, he worked this out by timing the difference between his own craft (Skylab 3) passing into the earths shadow and the following UFO passing into the shadow after them. This told him the UFO was 25 miles away and 800 feet in diameter! Which was far larger than anything NASA had up there, the Skylab 3 itself was only 150 feet long. Sighting case number 3 comes from the freezing wastelands of the Yukon in 1996, the first sighting of this unknown craft happened at 8.30 pm beside Fox Lake. 6 witnesses reported seeing a massive UFO moving slowly and quietly across the frozen lake, they described it as being smooth, round and very large. About 30 minutes later and North of Fox Lake multiple witnesses from the village of Pelly Crossing saw the same UFO, shortly after this and to the south in the neighbouring village of Carmacks, four guys in a truck and five family members, looking out their front window also witnessed this massive UFO. This case has been investigated many times from different angles by different people but remains firmly unexplained. Sighting number 2 happened in 1967 above Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. Captain Robert Salas was on duty that night and received a call from the Guard post commander who reported that some of his guards had been seeing strange lights flying above the base in unorthodox patterns. Robert didn't think to much of it the first time but the guard commander called back some minutes later in a very excited state, shouting into the phone! He told Robert Salas (in no uncertain terms) that there was a large red glowing sphere floating outside the base's front gate. Robert quickly ordered him to mobilise his guards to secure the perimeter while he phoned to inform the next person up the ladder what was going on, it was then that something even stranger happened, the warning lights in the missile control room started going of and the nuclear missiles at the base shut one after another to a state where they couldn't be launched. Naturally the military carried out investigations into why the missiles shut down but were unable to find out why. And last but not least sighting case number 1 happened in December of 1980 in Rendlesham forest, specifically near two RAF bases, RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge. Both these bases were at that time on loan to the United States Airforce. At 3 am a U.S. Air Force guard patrol witnessed strange lights zipping about above the trees close to the Bentwaters base, 3 soldiers were sent to this wooded area to investigate and as they cautiously approached through the trees they saw a burning orange light near the forest floor. The leader of the 3, sergeant Jim Penniston, later reported that he got close enough to see an object inside the orange light, suddenly there was a brilliant flash of light and the object disappeared. The very next night strange lights were again observed by the base's on duty staff and the base commander, lieutenant colonel Charles Halt, decided to lead a patrol back to the forest area to investigate further. What Charles and members of his patrol witnessed gliding through the dark woods was an eye shaped craft which was dripping what appeared to be molten metal! naturally all the patrol members were mesmerised by this floating - apparently lava dripping oddity so they tried to get closer to it, to find out exactly what it was. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) the object moved away from them and out of the trees altogether into a nearby field, where, after floating for another few minutes it silently explodes into 5 smaller white circles of light which disappeared. At this point some of the patrol team noticed more lights in the sky, one of which flew to a direct stop above the patrol and shone a focused beam down to the ground right beside the patrol. I imagine this encounter answered the question "are aliens real?" for these soldiers, all of whom were ordered not to talk about what they observed that night. If you want to learn more about any of these strange UFO cases Google has lots of information on all of them, thanks for reading.
This fascinating DVD covers over 100 UFO cases including: UFO sightings and encounters during ancient times, the middle ages, world wars, the cold war and Vietnam. Many exclusives and previously untold stories include UFO related animal mutilations and how an entire zoo full of animals are mutilated and killed after a UFO appears above it, then how the entire area is destroyed and rebuilt without any explanation to the public. UFO sightings by Warren Beatty, Stuart Whitman and Walter Cronkite. Jackie Gleason views crashed UFO wreckage and bodies. UFO crash retrievals as well as current cases and so much more. Lots of photos and information! It's over three hours of the TRUTH that will never air on cable thanks to the government cover-up czars who rule over alleged UFO investigative groups and organizations.
Length: Over 3 hours
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